For over two decades, Joe has consulted with a variety of healthcare practitioners including nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, as well as all types of healthcare groups. Presently, he is concentrating on remote patient care monitoring, telemedicine, and methods by which patients can receive care remotely, and also establish a medical home in order to diminish the chance of unnecessary hospitalizations and infections.
His goal is to provide the education for those healthcare providers who want to create their own business, whether it be telemedicine, house call business, or any type of business where healthcare economy and helping patients overlaps.
Joe also handles whistleblower complaints involving theft from the government of healthcare dollars. He also handles employment law, as well as healthcare defense for those who have been falsely accused of violating the standard of practice for their license.
Please call Mr. Flores and he will be glad to give you a reasonable price for a consult.

By virtue of his training, experience, and knowledge, Mr. Flores has been successful in aiding the government in recovering funds from those individuals that would seek to criminally and civilly defraud the government. He has over three decades of experience as a health care provider and clinician as well as two decades of experience in the law. He is uniquely qualified to evaluate your case and determine whether you as a whistleblower can obtain a reward of up to 25% for your cooperation with the government.
Mr. Flores would interview you in depth and review any documents that you may have preserved as part of the False Claims Act or Qui Tam case. Many health care providers fear retaliation for disclosing names, documents, or false billing. There are exceptions to the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), whereby you can disclose such information to the government, by and through your attorney. He can receive confidential information about patients who are victims of health care fraud and file a lawsuit on behalf of the whistleblower and the government and include such information under seal. The term under seal means to file a claim that is not subject to view by the public eye until the government is prepared to do so. The government has at least six months to review a case and decide whether or not they will accept the case and move forward with Mr. Flores to prosecute the wrongdoers. He does not only represent health care providers but any whistleblower who knows of individuals who are stealing funds that are provided by the government under any program. For years, he helped the government through his clients, primarily on a criminal law offender basis, and has now turned his legal talents towards the civil aspect of Qui Tam law and the False Claims Act. As a veteran trial lawyer and a nurse practitioner as well as a registered nurse, Mr. Flores is uniquely qualified to evaluate your case and determine whether or not the case qualifies for the strict regulations under the False Claims Act. It is important to note that a person must be the original source of such information and the individual whistleblower must be careful not to disclose such information to the media or to any third party without the knowledge of a competent lawyer such as Mr. Flores. Although an individual can directly contact the government, it is highly recommended to obtain legal counsel in order for the person with knowledge of the ongoing fraud to obtain the full amount or recovery that he/she is entitled to.
Any and all attempts to defraud the government by overbilling, overutilization of services, or qualifying individuals who do not merit health care services are examples of health care fraud. Many physicians, nurses, and other health care providers fear retaliation from their employer and often are terminated for communicating that there exists health care fraud within the organization. Mr. Flores urges those individuals to collect as much data and information through documentation as the potential whistleblower can in order to assist the government. Although the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 precludes the disclosure of patient health information, there exist exclusions to this rule such as health care fraud. The information would be safeguarded with attorneys like Mr. Flores and turned over to the government with a lawsuit.